Sunday, July 31, 2011

Where Is God?

So, we taught Matthew how to pray. Sometimes, we have to ask him millions of times to pray before bed, and other times, he just does it on his own.

His nightly prayer consists of making the sign of the cross at the beginning. Then he blesses everyone and himself. In the prayer itself, he thanks God for everything, including "nice good day," "good food," "breakfast, lunch, and dinner," "thank you for going to the zoo," "thank you for playing with friends," "thank you for ice cream," "thank you for Mom and Dad," and anything else that happened to him during the day. He concludes with the sign of the cross, blesses everyone again, and blesses himself.

All of this is accompanied by heavy jumping around the bed on his knees, and when he’s finished, he drops his body on the pillow. One time, I dropped down with him.

"Matthew, that was a very nice prayer," I praised him.
"Matthew, do you know where God is?" I asked him.
"On the shelf," Matthew replied, pointing toward his dresser.

Theoretically, he’s very correct. We never got around to hanging the cross on the wall.


  1. That's so cute!

    I once had a bronze crucifix hanging in my room during a time when my ancestors were pretending to be Catholic. I remember being quite creeped out by it, because it had the tortured figure of Christ on it, instead of just being a bare cross. (Shudder)

  2. Hi Anna :D!

    I love hearing children praying: they are the cutest things. They also remind us that a prayer doesn't have to be complicated or elaborated; a prayer is a simple conversation with our Father above, and a request for His blessings.

    Matthew has showed us that life is good and we must be grateful for it, no matter what :).

    I thought perhaps, your baby boy wanted to say that God is "on the self"...which is profoundly true :D.

    Cheers and a big hug, girl!

  3. What a nice way to end the day.

    cheers, parsnip


And now lets hear your blobbing, lol!