Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Best Secret Ever, A Secret Re-Defined

I was talking on the phone with my sister. Matthew was with his Daddy in the computer room upstairs. He knew that I was on the phone and since he always wants to talk to people I talk to, he did eventually picked up the phone.

'Hi' - he said.
'I am fantastic' - he answered my sister.
'I have to tell you something, Daddy is doing card for Mommy for Christmas, photo of me' - he is telling my sister (its Ukrainian Christmas today). Whereas, Daddy on the back is telling Matthew that it is a secret.
'It is a secret, Daddy is doing photo of me for Mommy' - he continues to tell her.
'Mommy it is a secret and don't tell anyone' - he told me right after.
'Matthew that is best secret, I will tell no one' - I replied. Matthew hanged up but came back in couple of seconds.
'And I am secretly Superman, okay, I got to go now, bey bey' - and that was it.


  1. That's so funny!!! Matthew is the best secret keeper :)
    Merry Christmas, Anna :)

  2. out of the mouths of babes....
    now remember it is a secret and be sure to tell no one !

    cheers, parsnip

  3. Hahahahaaaaa, that is definitely one for the grandkids to hear - it's pure gold! But it's no secret Matthew is Superman, I think many who know him must agree on that.


And now lets hear your blobbing, lol!