Friday, December 18, 2009
It's The Most Wonderful Time Of the Year
This time I want to share with you some of my favorite happiness quotes.
'We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.' ~ by Frederick Keonig
'The best vitamin to be a happy person is B1.' ~ by Author Unknown
'Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands, but let it go, and you learn at once how big and precious it is.' ~ by Maxim Gorky
'When you're really happy, the birds chirp and the sun shines even on cold dark winter nights - and flowers will bloom on a barren land.' ~ by Grey Livingston
...and since I have engineering background, I had to include this one:
'Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length.' ~ by Robert Frost
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Employment Resume for the Professional Mother
May 07, 2008 - Nov 07, 2009
Title: Mother
° Breastfed on demand around the clock for one year. Continue to breastfeed on the occasion during the day, and sometimes at night. Planning to stop when our child reaches his second birthday. Following the African breastfeeding model.
° Cooking for our child since he was four months old. All the food is high quality home made. Due to limited access to prunes, the prunes jars are bought from the store. Excellent source of fiber, and it works if you should ask why I give it to our child.
° Bathing our child every day before sleep. Soaps and shampoos are used on the occasion, and some virgin olive oil to cure the cradle cap. It is a very nice and relaxing time to spend with our child just before bed.
° Ensured that our child got fresh air every day, thus daily 1-2 hours walks to the playgrounds or parks.
° Continue with toilet training that started about 6 months ago. At first it all started with our child playing with the potty, then sitting on it for fun, then actually going for number two with the diaper on, and now our child goes without diaper - all this in the period of 6 months. One more task to go, and we are done - yes I need to teach our child to tell us instead of us telling him.
° I have been reading to our child since he was 2-3 months old. The results are showing, at age of 18 months our son can clearly pronounce over 30 words, combine some words together, name each letter of the alphabet, spell every word around the house, and speak to us 'baby talk', which 80% of time we don't understand.
° I performed some sawing on the occasion to alter some of the children's clothing. I believe in comfort more than the look, therefore, I took all the baby body suits and got rid of the bottom section.
° Additional chores: laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, baking, event planning, and very little television watching. However, I am making sure that I am keeping up with latest technology trend called blogging.
° Successfully planned and organized baptism, and first birthday.
° Successfully raised 18 months old son, of course, I am not done yet.
° Thought our baby words, letters, some spelling.
° Successfully completed 75% of the toilet training.
° Reduced diaper usage by 50%, a substantial cost reduction in our family.
° Learned how to cook efficiently for our baby. Can prepare meal with three courses in 10 minutes.
Cover Letter to follow ...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Kseniya Simonova - Sand Animation (Україна має талант / Ukraine's Got Talent)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Sleeping During Lecture
In our fourth year of university we ended up having tough professor for one of the solid mechanics course. He was a happy individual, but tough. He was one of those professors who wants you to pay attention in class - so guess what, he would ask questions, and if you didn't know then you are shining star on the spot light.
Well, one day the lecture wasn't very interesting, but we all tried hard not to show how bored we were, otherwise, this usually initiated question and answer period. Well there is always that small percentage of the population that will surprise you. So we are vividly paying attention, and suddenly professor points at one student in the auditorium - 'Hey you in the brown jacket, would you be kind enough to wake that guy up beside you' - he said. The student in the brown jacket looks back at the professor and answers - 'You put him to sleep, you wake him up'. I could see that probably every hair including mine, on every student got stiff when hearing the reply. But to our surprise, the professor started to laugh, and said - 'That was good one, I guess I will have to wake him up'. We all laughed, and the sleepy head didn't know what did just happpen.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Calculation Bloopers - Conversations and Blobbing

- So how did your test go?
- It was okay.
- Just okay. You probably did well. I saw you study a lot.
- Yes I did, but you know how it is when you have to calculate something under lot of pressure.
- Oh yes I know, I know. But you always did well. It seems like you are thinking about something.
- Yeah. I am still trying to figure out what I did wrong.
- What do you mean?
- There was this problem I had to solve, and I cannot figure out what I did wrong.
- How do you know you did it wrong. Did you know the answer ahead?
- No no, it was logical calculation, meaning real life numbers. So if you see the answer then you will know that you did something wrong.
- Okay then....
- Well, I left this problem to the last thinking that it was the easiest. It wasn't much time to go back and to correct. Boy... the teacher is going to have a good chuckle.
- Aha...
- Okay, the problem asked to solve the dog's lung capacity, meaning to determine the size of the dog's lungs.
- Okay, and then what?
- Well, don't laugh! My result showed that the lungs were bigger than the dog.
- Ouch....can I laugh with you.

- Hey I finally finished my report. Do you want to see it?
- Yes yes, show me.
- Here it is.
- Wow you are so neat and organized, this is very nice looking report you have.
- Thank you!
- Do you mind that I look at the numbers, I used to take the civil engineering statics course.
- Yes go ahead. I checked my numbers and they seem okay.
- Just okay.
- Yes, but please do look it over.
Looking over the report briefly.
- So, did you really check your numbers.
- Yes I did. Why? What is wrong?
- Oh nothing, just a small mistake - it looks like your beam is bigger than our Mother Earth circumference. Please tell me that the problem asked for it.
Weight Loss Calculator
I don't know what was wrong with this online weight loss calculator, however, according to the data I entered, I have to loose additional 50 pounds. You tell me if I should. I am 125 pounds and 164 cm tall. I think the prefect name for this calculator would be - 'Become Anorexic' Calculator. Oh wait a second, may be they got their units wrong.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
When Children Sing My Heart Breaks - 'Tell Me Why'
Here I found one song 'Tell Me Why' I liked very much and would like to share it with you. Wishing you good and relaxing weekend. Enjoy!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Someone Little Enjoys His Food

You Are Getting Your Own Dinner Plate. It was time to give Matthew big dinner plate, and let me tell you why. Every breakfast, lunch or dinner Matthew would reach out for our fork or spoon, and dish full of food. He wanted to eat what we eat. It was fun for while, but us eating spaghetti with the spoon did it. 'Matthew you are getting your own plate' - we said. He absolutely loves it now as he can choose from three different foods I put on his dish. To our surprise Matthew started to pick his own food with his fork right into his mouth. The nice thing is that he knows when he does something new, and he is so proud of himself - the big smile on his face tells it all.

As life goes on, we continue our messy breakfasts, lunches, snacks and dinners. One day when I am old and washing my floor around the table, the greasy stains will remind me how wonderful and precious eating times we had together.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Apple Cinnamon Chocolate Loaf from Heaven

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Pop Star Michael Jackson Dies at Age 50 - Moment of Silence

Saturday, June 20, 2009
End of the World December 21 2012, Hoax or Truth? or The Killer Bees?

Furthermore, how about other possibilities. The sun will overheat and we will all fry and then the Earth will melt away - another possibility. Yes never know who will screw up that sun dial and instead of regulating the heat, will crank it up too high. After all we are one living dust particle in the Universe, and the traffic may just get worst. Yes, all we need is another dust particle bumping to us - yes another possibility. I tell you the possibilities are endless; however, I still pose one question, what does really the end of the world means, and will it happen in matter of seconds or matter of years, or million of years - are we already degrading without knowing? Many writes about the 2012 end of the world, and if you want to educate yourself on that recent hoax and the panic of some, you can read more in here. It is all about some imaginary planet Nibiru making its way to solar system and at the same time wiping us out.
However, premeditated end of the world is possible also at any minute - how about wars, how about nuclear weapons, one of the Einstein's warnings, a button to press and an evil mind - that scares me the most. That would destroy us in matter of seconds. A deadly virus created in the lab wouldn't do any justice to us either. Then population growth, hunger, naturally evolving viruses. Okay, okay I think you got the picture.
The bottom line is that I don't want to die yet. This world is too beautiful to be wasted just like that - just look around you. So I tell you what, I will pray for this world, I will pray for people to be good, and I will ask God to give us one more chance. Oh dear God, just blow those malicious particles away from the Earth, don't let them hit us, and may be when you are cold over there, just think we may be hot over here - don't touch that dial please. As of us people, I will do my job here on Earth and ensure that there will be no more evil, okay may be less evil. I think this matter, we humans can look after. After all you gave us the intelligence and rational thinking.
However, you never know may be I am too late with my prayers - so I better go and get my survival kit ready. I watched enough space movies to learn something from them. Never hurts to be positive and believe in survival. Okay who in the world is spreading that hoax again. For what! Just to get me wired. Happy life to all of you, it ain't going to happen. Peace. And just in case it will end, dear God do it when I am sleeping, I am used to my bad dreams anyway.

I have a feeling that you had enough of my speculations and blobbing here, and thinking there will be no end to this post. Therefore I am going to go now, and if you need more information there is always a Google search engine. Just type some 'end of the world' phrases and you will find thousands of links to millions and millions of websites, hopefully mine too but probably somewhere on the end - search result 1,000,000,001.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
My Grandmother Used to Drink Miracle Multi-Vitamin

The story goes - as kids my parents used to give us all kinds of vitamins. Mind you on top of that we used to eat out the garden - current, plums, apples, goose berries, strawberries - and some of them never got to the ripe state. Yes we loved sour. Yes, yes the vitamin story! Did we ever needed, never know - I guess my parents were on the mission to grow healthy kids, thus they finally got hold of this miracle multi-vitamin for us, them and my grandmother. In the liquid form, tasted just like very sweet sweet strawberry juice - and we liked it. It was hard to get this particular one, but my dad being very useful TV and radio repairman in the neighbourhood - he got all kinds of favors, and especially from the pharmacist.
You probably saying get to the point, so I will. In the late 80's we came to Canada, leaving my grandmother behind. One day my parents came across the same multi-vitamin here in Canada. Then they decided to send some to my grandmother, since our departure she wasn't able to get one. We send one bottle, then been asked for more - she loved it. She would ask, send me some more. 'I feel really really good every time I have a shot' - she would pass this message in the letters from my aunt. Yes, she loved it - so we sent more. Twenty years passed, my grandmother is now gone, resting in peace. I got married, got new home, and a bottle of the vitamin in my fridge - brand new, never opened, with label reading 12% alcohol.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Go Green - No More Boxer Shorts

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
My Baby is Showing Affection - Unforgettable Moments

'The first touch,
The first smile,
The first eye to eye contact,
The first hickey, a hunger call,
The first lick on the face, a wet one,
The first hug, for the bear,
Very shy every time,
Then snuggles to me,
- its all my baby.'
I was sitting on the sofa and watching Matthew playing. He is now 11 months plus. With his little hands he takes the white Easter bunny and hugs him on the left, then on the right side, and playing shy at the same time. That was so so cute, and I wish I had the video camera, but I knew soon as I get one all will be over. I continued to watch, to my surprise, Matthew is now talking to his prayer duck, of course in his own language. Then I get up and get the camera, but the unforgettable moments are now over. Truly unforgettable.
Earlier today we went to church for Ukrainian Easter Good Friday. It was his third visit to the church. Unfortunately we were not able to take him on regular basis on Sunday before, because of his eating and sleeping schedule, especially that he likes to eat and sleep at the same times as all the church masses. Well on the parking lot we ran into two priests who knew my father and came up to greet him. One of the priests immediately ignored my dad and dived to play with Matthew. Matthew responded by pointing and reaching out to him - next thing the priest is kissing his little hands. Another unforgettable moment.
Matthew started to show true affection around nine months but earlier around six months Matthew had these interesting ways to express hunger. When hungry he would latch to my chin and give me a hickeys. He would also make suction motions with his lips where we though it was hunger, but no he was massaging his gums. But try to explain this to his uncle who insisted that I feed him - I guess he got paranoid when Matthew made a move on him with his lips. Another unforgettable moment to share.
The true affection surfaced when Matthew started to hug his blue plush bear and a big brown bear. It was and still is so cute to watch him as he embraces the big brown Bear's head with his little hands. And then it is nice to watch him when he embraces the small plush bear with his little hands and brings close to his body to hug him. Many many unforgettable moments.
'Matthew can I have kiss kiss' - we would ask. 'Matthew I love you' - we would say all the time. 'Matthew eeee eeee eeee' - we would squeak. And there he goes with his mouth wide open and tongue across my face, a wet wet lick. Unforgettable feeling.
Monday, March 30, 2009
We Used to Drink on the School Trips

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Economic Crisis or Greed Crisis - AIG Bailout, Chrysler Bailout ... You Name It

'CAW face clash over wage cuts' - Chrysler autoworkers in Canada are getting paid $76 per hour, which translates to $608 per day, $3,040 per week and $12,160 per month. Someone tell me what is wrong with this picture. There are people who make $76 per day who probably may have even more skill than the autoworkers. Never mind the spa benefit. And now I am really outraged. I think Stephen Harper, Prime Minster of Canada should speak out too. Or do I have to write him another letter?
Here are two examples, and I will call this government mistakes. So before government gives out more bailout money, please learn and more due diligence next time. I am just disappointed hearing stuff like that and I had to vent - after all some of my tax money are paying for someones massage.
Friday, March 6, 2009
A Tip, Parents Do Not Loose Your Children at the Zoo

The ice cream was really being made from scratch. We gave up waiting, just sat under the tree and observed by passers and by standers. As the time lapsed, by standers would come and go. Then one cool looking guy, not good looking guy, but cool looking guy made a quick stop to have a cigarette. He played cool, blowing smoke to the sky. Good thing it was to the sky and wind was blowing away from us, because I am allergic to the second hand smoke and I can smell it miles away. This cool looking guy was not approachable, he just looked like one of those if you are lost somewhere, you rather be lost and not ask questions.
We continued to wait. Many people passed by us, especially lot of parents with children - walking, being pushed in strollers or pulled in wagons. As we watched all these people passing by, suddenly a child fell out the wagon. The parents continued to walk not seeing what happened. The victim of the situation was 1.5 or 2 years old girl. The second older child in the wagon, the brother, was reaching out with his hand saying something, but because it was loud no body could hear him. The little girl was stunned for a moment, so she just sat there for few seconds trying to recover. There were lot of people, so no body really noticed anything, just us and the cool guy.
I really underestimated the cool guy, he was actually first to notice and first to yelled out loud - 'excuse me, excuse me' - he at first said in deep cool voice. No response from parents. 'Excuse me, you lost your child' - he finally yelled really loud, and started to move towards the little girl. It all happened in matter of seconds, and since I knew that the cool guy was taking care of the business I just got myself ready just in case. The parents finally turned back, the girl started to cry. The parents picked up this little girl and just walked away - looking kind of embarrassed. Well may be this is why the cool guy is cool guy - he got no thank you, or even a nod of acknowledgment. And I was ready to give him a medal.
The moral to the story - don't underestimate others by their behaviour or look or cool look, they may be first to give you a helping hand after all, and probably the last to be thanked. And the main moral to the story is - strap your children to the wagon, especially when at the zoo, because it isn't just the zoo of animals, but zoo full of people and you can easily loose your child as these parents did.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Mr. President Barack Obama Thank You For Visiting Canada

The fact that you chose to visit Canada first it means a lot, but the fact that you purchased maple leaf cookies cookies from the local baker it means even more. I actually got goose bumps hearing that on the news. Your risk, I am sure your secret service will get you in trouble later, made our Canadian baker very happy.
Mr. Obama, I watched your presidential race, but watching you being President of United States is even more impressive. Your leadership is beyond my expectations - you are definitely a people person. Your strong focus on the economic crisis and how you handling it so far is on the scale 1 to 10 - I am giving you 8. Sorry I cannot give you 10 just yet, just little too early, but I am sure you have great potential outperform.
It was also nice to watch you and our Prime Minister Mr. Harper getting along so well. You may not have the same views 100%, but I see that both of you have great respect for each other and willing to work together to get us out from the economic crisis.
Mr. Obama, thank you again. And before I conclude this thank you letter, I want to tell you that leadership as yours is needed especially during crisis. If you are good to the people, people will respond positively and will be motivated to work together on the same goal. Like they say, one person can do so much, but together we can do even more.
Enjoy your cookies and good night.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Can I Schedule An Appointment To Have My Nails Done – Call to The Body Shop
I am sure we have done stupid things in life that are worth laughing at. I had many and this is one of them. Back in 1998 me and my husband were planning a wedding. We were very conservative trying to negotiate every item we needed as we just spend all our money on the house. We tried to prepay as much as possible – that was important item on our list of all. At that time I was working at the large corporation, had some flexibility to do some of my planning.
Needles to say, I am not very big on make up, pedicures, manicures – but looks like every bride was doing so was I. Bottom line is - I hated it. I remember I came home once from a trial makeover, oh God, I looked like a scare crow. May be it was nice, I just wasn’t too comfortable, so I guess my face was looking not very happy. But that is not the story, however, the make up was scrapped from my list – a lipstick and some powder did the job.
If not make up, then may be I just will have my nails done. Where do I start I thought – yellow pages sounds good. I flipped through and I got to the section, body shop. Have you ever shopped at The Body Shop, I did. Got some creams once. To your surprise, they have cream for every part of your body – may be that is why it is called The Body Shop. I guess calling body shop was a good start. During a lunch time I took yellow pages and got the phone number of my first contender.
- ‘Hello’ – a man answered on the other side of the phone.
- ‘Aha’ – I thought, now man are in this business too, that must be one darn good business then.
With quiet voice, not to disturb co-workers I said:
- ‘I will be getting married in 2 weeks and I would like to have my nails done’. Sudden silence.
- ‘You would like to have your nails done Miss?’ – man repeated.
- ‘Yes, yes’ – thinking he understood me.
Suddenly there is honest laugh on the other side of the phone, and the man replied:
- ‘But Miss, we don’t do nails here, we are a body shop and we fix cars, but Miss if you would like you can drop by and see what we can do’.
He had to rubbed it in.
With embarrassment and trying not to start a further conversation, I apologized and hanged up the phone. For the rest of the day I sat in front of the computer laughing to myself and having trouble concentrating. Hopefully no body saw me laughing, they probably would think I was going insane. After all we had a very busy year at work and almost every one was going insane at the same time.
That night I told my husband-to-be this eventful story, and later in the week I broke the news at the office – we had one good chuckle.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Something to Laugh About - Television Is Watching Me