Saturday, March 3, 2012

Do You Even Know Who I Am? Matthew The Superman

Today, we have a drawing by Matthew, with a few enhancements made by me, like the Superman "S" and the word "Superman" in pencil, traced over by Matthew in green.

Note that the logo is cut out because I made a mistake and wrote the "S" the wrong way. Well, what can I say? I get confused when I try to write upside down, but Matthew wasn't having any of that!

Sometimes, I feel like I push him too much at his age (3 3/4), but I think it’s good exercise to start him on drawing and writing. Matthew is now able to write the letter "M" very well. He can spell and write (copy) his name. He can also draw a face, the sun, a full body (as seen above), and a snowman. In his pictures, he added Krypton (the green crystal) and a bunch of colored Smarties.

Matthew loves superheroes, and Superman is still his favorite. He was Superman for Halloween. A few weeks ago, I had to hide the Superman suit because we had to go out, and there was no way he was going to wear it, especially when it was freezing outside. The unfortunate part is that I forgot where I hid the suit! However, I promised him I’d get him a bigger size for next Halloween.

So, the other day, we were walking through our subdivision with other children and their nanny. One of our neighbors came out of the house to collect the newspaper. It was almost noon, and Betty was still in her nightgown. "It's my lazy day today," she announced.

We chatted a bit, and then Matthew interrupted, yelling, "Hi!" She waved and said, "Hi, William."

I smiled because she had called him that once before. But then, right after, Matthew called back to her, "Do you even know who I am?" She didn’t hear him well, so Matthew continued, "I am secretly Superman." She heard him and replied, "Hi, Superman," and we all laughed.

Maybe it’s time to say something to her, or else the only Superman boy on our street will be William.