I was talking on the phone with my sister while Matthew was upstairs with his Daddy in the computer room. He knew I was on the phone, and since he always wants to talk to the people I’m talking to, he eventually picked up the phone.
"Hi," he said.
"I am fantastic," he added, answering my sister.
"I have to tell you something—Daddy is making a card for Mommy for Christmas, a photo of me," he told her (it was Ukrainian Christmas today). Meanwhile, Daddy, in the background, was telling Matthew that it was a secret.
"It’s a secret! Daddy is making a photo of me for Mommy," Matthew continued.
"Mommy, it’s a secret! Don’t tell anyone," he added, running over to me after the phone call.
"Matthew, that’s the best secret! I won’t tell anyone," I replied.
Matthew hung up the phone, but came back a couple of seconds later.
"And I’m secretly Superman, okay, I got to go now. Bye-bye!" And that was it.