Wednesday, November 2, 2011

No I Am Not Ready For School YET!

Matthew will be 3 1/2 next week, and soon we’ll be looking for potential schools for him. He’ll be starting Junior Kindergarten (JK) next September. Where did the time go? It’s been spent raising this wonderful little boy, who will soon be going to school, learning, and spending most of his days on his own—five days a week. Deep inside, I’m not ready to let him go just yet, but I know I have to. My boy is growing up.

So, really, what’s all the fuss about?

Well, it’s just JK, right? But our provincial system has implemented full-time Junior Kindergarten. It used to be two full days a week, but starting next year, it’ll be five.

That’s the fuss. Typical mother worries, I guess, but I still think that going to school full time at 4 years old might be a bit much. I’m sure there’s an economic benefit behind the system, but I’m not benefiting from it. I’m sure he’ll love it, though. He really enjoys being around other little people.

Let’s see what my little bright child thinks about it all.

"So, Matthew, you know you’re going to school next year?" I ask him.
"Yes, and there will be children to play with, a teacher, and I’ll learn," he replies.
"But Matthew, what am I going to do all day without you?" I ask.
"You will cook and wait for me, Mommy," he says.
"I guess I’ll have to give you a lunch box to take to school," I conclude.

Well, he’s right. This is what I do most of the day: I cook for him, we walk, visit other children, go to playgrounds, hike, read, play, watch TV, and play games. He knows that cooking is the one activity he can’t do with me, so I guess I’ll keep cooking while he takes most of his activities with him to school.

I thought it was entertaining what he said about me cooking and waiting. We asked him again in front of my family. His answer was always the same, but he added:

"And wait, Mommy will give me a big box of food to eat."

We all laughed. I’m amazed that he remembered the lunch box, and lately, he’s been asking me if he can have chicken soup in his big box of food.

Can you see? We just have too much fun together. "No, I’m not ready to send him to school yet."